Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 364:  It took about a week to post these last couple of projects.  My last day of making something every day for a year was Feb 2.  I'm done!!!!  For this day, I decorated some bike chain magnets with little picture collages made from magazine pages.  We are selling these at Seconds Eco Store.  They are loads of fun to make!
Day 365:  For my very last project, I added to the flower I had started a few days before.  This is all made out of identical mini business cards.  I cut the exact same shape out of each of them and then glued them together using the dark and light ends of each petal shape to create a pattern.  I feel very relieved to be done with this project.  What a challenge it has been!  I have been continuing to make art, but not every day.  There are still some bigger pieces that I started this past year that I still have to finish, and there are some ideas that I came up with that I never got to start.   I have been collecting pop tabs for the past year in order to make a dress.  I have about 7,000 of them.  So, there is still a lot of recycled art for me in the coming year!!!  I am looking forward to continuing to make art, letting it take up more time and intention than I allowed for in my life before I started this.  I feel like a gigantic door has been opened for me and there is still a whole world to explore out there.  There are still a million possibilities of things to make from recycled materials.  It has been truly inspiring to have made such a quantity of art in the past year.  My mind has been constantly thinking about recycled art, every time I came accross something I was about to throw out or someone else was throwing out I have been challenged by the question, "What can I make with this?"  Having to come up with 365 days of projects has put my mind in an almost constantly creative space.  Even when I've been almost too tired to make something, I dreamt about the things I would make on days when I had more time and energy.  My wish for the coming year is that my mind can stay open to ideas and creativity even if I'm not making something every day.  I plan on posting a few more times this year as a follow up to how this project has affected my life and the art that continues to emerge.  (I'd really like to be able to show off my dress when it's done.)  Then I'll be able to let this blog rest in peace!  Love and thanks to everyone who has supported me in this past year, giving me encouragement, trash, and company on this journey!  XOXO!